Geotechnical Engineering
- Construction Observation
- Desktop Studies and Geotechnical Due Diligence
- Expert Witness Services
- Foundation Engineering and Design Recommendations
- Geohazard Identification, Assessment, and Mitigation
- Geotechnical Investigation
- Geotechnical Risk Analysis
- Ground Improvement Investigation and Design
- Laboratory Testing
- Levee and Dam Design
- Liquefaction Analysis and Remedial Design
- Materials Testing and Observation
- Pavement Analysis, Rehabilitation, and Design
- Retaining Wall Assessment and Design
- Seismic Assessments
- Settlement Analysis
- Slope Stability Analysis, Repair Design, and Monitoring
- Soil Stabilization
- Storm Damage Assessments
Engineering Geology
- Aggregate Resource Assessment
- Characterization of Subsurface Conditions using Geophysical Surveys
- Delineation, Mitigation and Repair of Landslides
- Drainage Issues
- Earthquake Fault Studies
- Geologic Analysis and Reports for Environmental Impact Report/Environmental Impact Statement
- Geologic Exploration
- Geologic Hazards
- Geologic Mapping
- Geologic/Geomorphological Mapping
- Landslide Modeling, Analysis, and Assessment
- Mine Suitability
- Rock Rippability
- Rock Slope Stability Assessment, Analysis, and Mitigation
Inspection and Materials Testing
- Aggregate and Soil Testing
- Geotechnical Laboratory Testing
- Grading Testing and Observation
- Special Inspection
Environmental Assessments
- Aerially Deposited Lead (ADL) Assessment
- Asbestos Surveys and Monitoring
- CEQA Initial Studies
- Environmental Site Assessments – Phase I and Phase II
- Groundwater Monitoring and Sampling
- HAZMAT Assessments
- Groundwater, Soil, and Soil Gas Characterization
- Underground Storage Tank Assessment